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Lacistemataceae Holistic Database Neotropical Plant Families Database U.K. Communities of Woodland & Scrub Species 2000 University of Reading Herbarium RNG, University of Reading, U.K.

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Welcome to all things relating to Lacistemataceae.

The aim of this electronic monograph is to aggregate all knowledge regarding Lacistemataceae and to make this knowledge free and open access to educational and scientific advancement. If you want to make money from this site please contact me.

The material is gathered from a wide variety of sources including herbaria holotypes, literature, genetic databases, Codes of Nomenclature, the Convention of Biological Diversity, Flora Brasiliensis, IUCN Red List and many many more. External links to other websites are found under the tab.

This website was originally written for the Convention on Biological Diversity : 2010 Global Strategy for Plant Conservation (GSPC) Target 1 : to provide "a widely accessible working list of known plant species, as a step towards a complete world flora". As GSPC 2010 has been succeeded by GSPC 2011-2020 this website now relates to all objectives:

You may have a few questions regarding Lacistemataceae, hopefully I have covered most of the questions you may have thought of. If you have any other questions please contact me at taxonomist at lacistemataceae dot org.